Saturday 14 July 2012

Ralph Lauren Spoke About Olympic Uniforms Outrage

After a few days of the media outrage over the Ralph Lauren Olympic uniforms, the Ralph himself has issued a statement of apology. In a short statement designer apologized over the issue and promised that for 2012 Sochi Olympics the team will receive Made in USA outfits. According to him, it's too late to make a change for London Olympic team because they have already arrived to the Olympic base.

Public however is not so happy about this opinion. If you read Yahoo comments you will find, most of people are quite mistrustful:

Susan: "For more than 45 years Ralph Lauren has built a brand that embodies the best of American quality and design rooted in the rich heritage of our country." If this were true why didn't he have the uniforms manufactured in the US? His whole statement is nothing but damage control, a little too late. If people weren't so outraged over this he would have never issued this statement and the 2014 uniforms would be made in China also."

Tom: "Seems like a lot of verbiage just to say "Ooops! We got caught! But, we'll fix it the next time" Really?? Did you think nobody would notice?? And, yes my purchasing decision is OFTEN based on where something is made."

Dtown 87: "He made them in China, because he wanted to maximize his profits on one of the most prestigious events the World has to offer. I say ban Ralph Lauren from the 2014 Olympics. Let him make uniforms for the Chinese."

Many people are commenting on the design itself saying that they don't like how uniforms look or find the hats a bit too much.

Some of these comments have over 50 replies. Tom's comment has close to 2000 likes! 2000 people is a lot of people. What is remarkable is that the Olympic uniforms were suppose to bring Ralph Lauren more respect, in turn it resulted in negative publicity. It is hard to believe that while working on the uniform project nobody passed the idea by Ralph regarding consequences of "made in China". I mean there are still quite a lot of items in the Ralph Lauren store today that are indeed made in the USA. Majority is made in China, but the elite collection is not. Clearly the decision to dress 406 athletes into cheaper quality clothing was a conscious financial decision. Lesson learnt, cutting corners does not work!

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